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If I Am Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident, Can I Sue?

 Posted on March 09, 2025 in Slip & Fall

Cook County, IL personal injury lawyerDid you know that around 40 million people visit hospital emergency rooms every year due to injuries? Falls are the top cause of these injuries. Although tripping and falling over your own feet usually does not qualify, some slip and falls could make you eligible for compensation through a premises liability claim.

These cases are often challenging, requiring investigations to gather supporting evidence. You do not have to handle your investigation or claim alone; a skilled Rolling Meadows, IL personal injury attorney can take appropriate action on your behalf.

What Is a Slip and Fall?

Landlords, property owners, businesses, and other parties who are responsible for properties are expected to keep them safe. Stores, restaurants, rented residences, and office buildings are examples of these properties. When unsafe conditions contribute to someone falling, the property’s responsible parties could be held liable. Common unsafe conditions that often lead to falls include missing handrails on stairwells, insufficient lighting, and broken or uneven walking surfaces.

Slick floors, sidewalks, and parking lots, as well as loose carpeting or flooring, are responsible for many slips and falls. Objects left in walkways, such as loose electrical cords, pallets of goods in stores, and mop buckets create tripping hazards that could cause a fall.

Not all falls qualify for compensation. Your accident must meet specific requirements to file a premises liability claim.

Do I Qualify for a Slip and Fall Accident Claim?

You could be eligible for compensation if all these statements are true:

  • You were on the property legally; Trespassers typically cannot benefit from a premises liability claim.

  • The responsible party knew or should have known about the hazardous condition that caused your fall.

  • That party failed to take appropriate action to keep you safe, such as making repairs or restricting access to the dangerous area.

  • That failure was the direct cause of your fall, injuries, and associated damages.

If you slip on wet pavement outside a store during a storm, the party responsible for that parking area had no way of drying the pavement; you probably do not qualify for compensation. However, if the store’s entryway is wet because water dripping off other customers’ clothing and umbrellas has gathered and the store did nothing to dry up the puddle or address the hazard, you may be entitled to compensation.

As previously mentioned, these cases can be challenging. If possible, take photos and videos of the site of your slip and fall. Include all details that can help your attorney prove that your fall was due to another party’s negligence.

Call a Dedicated Cook County, IL Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

Without competent legal assistance, you may not get as much compensation as you deserve after a slip and fall accident. Call Adler Law Offices, LTD at 312-236-2700 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation with our determined Arlington Heights, IL personal injury attorney

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