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What Are the Most Common Reasons for Asphyxia Injuries During Birth?

 Posted on December 22, 2021 in Medical Malpractice

shutterstock_1049865188-1.jpgChildbirth is one of the most common procedures performed at hospitals and medical facilities. However, there are a variety of complications that can occur during labor and delivery, and even though babies are born every day, medical personnel are not always fully prepared to address the issues that can affect the health of a child or mother. Asphyxia is an issue that affects children in many cases, and if it is not addressed correctly, it can lead to serious injuries and long-term health issues, including brain injuries that may result in cerebral palsy. If doctors, nurses, or other medical personnel acted negligently, this may be considered medical malpractice, and a family may be able to pursue compensation for injuries suffered by a child.

Issues That Can Lead to Asphyxia During Childbirth

Asphyxia involves a lack of oxygen. This may occur if blood flow to the child is cut off during labor and delivery or if other issues prevent a child from being able to breathe or process oxygen properly. Some complications that can lead to asphyxia include:

  • Problems with the placenta or umbilical cord - If placental abruption occurs and the placenta becomes detached from the wall of the uterus during labor or delivery, or if other issues affect the placenta, this may interrupt the child’s oxygen supply. Compression of the umbilical cord may also restrict oxygen flow and cause harm to the child.

  • Preeclampsia - If high blood pressure affects the mother during pregnancy, labor, or delivery, this may restrict blood flow and reduce the amount of oxygen transferred to the child. 

  • Prolonged or induced labor - Contractions during labor can lead to fetal distress, which may cause the child to experience a reduced heart rate that will affect the ability to process oxygen. The use of labor-inducing drugs may lead to unusually strong or prolonged contractions, increasing the likelihood of fetal distress.

  • Meconium aspiration - If a child passes stool while still inside the uterus, which may occur because of fetal distress, they may inhale stool known as meconium during the delivery process. Meconium is thick and tar-like, and it can coat the surface of the child’s lungs, restricting their ability to breathe and absorb oxygen.

  • Infections - Certain types of infectious diseases may be transmitted from a mother to her child during delivery, or a child may contract an infection because of improper sterilization procedures in the delivery room. An infection may lead to swelling of the blood vessels that restricts the flow of blood and oxygen.

Contact Our Mount Prospect Birth Injury Attorney

In many cases, asphyxia during birth may occur because of improper procedures by medical professionals. A child may also be injured if doctors or nurses do not respond properly to signs of fetal distress or other indications that a child is not receiving the proper amount of oxygen. Adler Law Offices, LTD provides legal representation for families who have suffered harm because of negligence during or after birth, and we work to help our clients receive compensation that ensures that they will be able to recover from an injury and provide their child with the necessary care. To arrange a free consultation, contact our Chicago medical malpractice lawyer today by calling 312-236-2700.


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